Websites Should be Built for the Customer

Customers have inherent questions when they visit any business online. Some of these questions are determined by the customer’s personality, while others are influenced by the customer’s first impression of the Web page they landed on. If your potential customers can...

Your Fitness Journey Should Start Now!

Just like most popular worthwhile endeavors, there is a plethora of information out there about health and fitness. The Internet has a lifetime of information you can consume about various, and sometimes competing, ways to get healthy or start a fitness program. With...

Meditation Leads to Better Concentration

Well honed concentration skills are a cornerstone of being able to perform at our peak. Concentration is the ability to do a chosen task by focusing on the outcome and either blocking or mitigating distractions. Recent studies have shown that concentration can be...

Using Kaizen as an Entrepreneur

This post is about using Kaizen principles as an entrepreneur. Kaizen is a Japanese concept meaning “continuous improvement” or “change for the better”. When applied to entrepreneurship it honors improving processes — and optimizing the entrepreneurial journey...