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Praise for The Fun Habit
The author provides strategies for “adding novel, pleasurable activities into your daily life” and equips readers with “scientific evidence for the life-sustaining value and importance of fun.”
Publishers Weekly
Mike Rucker distills decades of life experience and academic research into a practical set of tips and tactics for bringing more fun into your life.
Dr. Olav Sorenson, Joseph Jacobs Chair in Entrepreneurial Studies, UCLA
This book is foundational for anyone who wants to improve performance, enhance relationships, and have greater social impact.
Dr. Michael Gervais, High Performance Psychologist; Founder: Finding Mastery, Inc
Rucker doesn’t take a one-size-fits-all approach, instead allowing readers to fine-tune their sense of what brings them joy as they learn to approach life with a bias toward fun.
Hayley Riggs, Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation
A masterful distillation of science and personal experience, The Fun Habit provides a roadmap for bringing more fun into your life every day.