Hello Everyone,
I hope you had an amazing, healthy summer. It was a whirlwind for me — working hard and playing hard — and I am always grateful that this project forces me to pause and reflect. It serves as a reminder that experiencing fulfillment is sometimes better served by remembering to relax and relish in moments, rather than trying to race to the next goal. Although the rewards of delayed gratification are undeniable, it is a myth that this approach is mutually exclusive with immediate gratification (note: in psychology there is a distinction between gratification and “easy pleasures”). I struggle personally with the inherent tension between the merits of a “Well-Planned Life” in contrast to a “Summoned Life” — although as I move along in life I find myself more aligned with the latter. The research around flow certainly suggests that happiness and well-being favor those who find engagement in the present.
Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: This quarter’s business interview is with Al Lewis. Al is an outspoken voice in health care and workplace wellness. He is the author of several books and held several senior positions at different health-related organizations. Al’s latest endeavor Quizzify guarantees health-care savings for the organizations it serves. My interview with Al Lewis about the return on investment of corporate wellness programs is available here.
Health and Wellness: This quarter’s health and wellness interview is with Drew Schiller. Drew is the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Validic, a health and wellness technology company that operates as digital health’s Rosetta Stone for disparate health data. He is a true digital-health thought leader. My interview with Drew Schiller about the future of digital health is available here.
Life Experience: As I referenced earlier, a lot of life experience took place this summer. One of the highlights, and an experience I recommend, was a visit to Boston’s Institute of Contemporary Art. Boston is a beautiful city, so this is only one of many reasons to visit.
Contribution: To give back this quarter, I contributed (as part of a group) to get a friend a new wheelchair. I also donated to Team Rubicon, which is an organization that matches the skills of military veterans with emergency first responders to enhance the capabilities of response teams, and I donated a pair of eyeglasses to the Lions Clubs International.
I really appreciate all the positive feedback regarding the new format, and as always I appreciate you allowing me to share with you this quarter. My hope is you find the rest of your year prosperous.
In health,