Various vitamin depletion can be part of the reason we get hangovers and vitamin B levels tend to get tapped out when we drink. Therefore, in theory, a vitamin B supplement could potentially be beneficial as a mitigating agent before or after we go out drinking to avoid a hangover.
Tackling Hangovers and Vitamin B-Complex supplementation
There are several types of Vitamin B so when looking for a supplement make sure to get a quality B-complex. There are also ways to get different types of B through food (e.g., bananas).

Before You Go To Bed and After
Follow up the night with another glass of water and then perhaps another vitamin B supplement in the morning. The vitamins in a B-complex are generally water-soluble but don’t overdo it either. Make sure you eat something before you start taking vitamins and/or any pain reliever to ensure you do not upset your stomach (which is likely already compromised).
Final Thoughts on Hangovers and Vitamin B
Stick with this ritual and you may just find yourself a bit better off in the morning. There is no magic pill to avoiding a hangover completely. That said, even though Vitamin B supplements won’t stop the side effects of major drinking, if you put them on the guest list, your next morning could potentially be a bit easier.