Mitochondrial Myopathy and PQQ

Myopathies are diseases of muscle.  Given that mitochondria play essential roles in energy regulation and production, it should come as little surprise that mitochondrial myopathy can arise from mitochondrial dysfunction.  Tragically, some myopathies can interfere...

Resveratrol and PQQ

In a recent post, a reader asked if a claim can be made that resveratrol and PQQ are direct opposites of each other. He cited the literature that points to pyrroloquinoline quinone’s role in early growth and the claims made that Resveratrol activates sirtuins in...

The PQQ Experiment (with video)

A quick write up on a completely non-scientific PQQ experiment. Since pyrroloquinoline quinone is known for its growth factor qualities I wanted to put it to the test while having a little fun in the process. What you will find in the video below is two Chia Pets side...