Hi Everyone,
I hope this message finds you getting ready to have (or, better yet, already having) fun for the holidays with family and/or friends. After Christmas, I generally spend the week leading up to New Year’s setting up all the goals I hope to crush in the year ahead. However, after spending some time with one of the interviewees from this quarter, Morten Hansen, I think I am going to instead spend the next week figuring out what to leave behind in 2017.
My worldview boils down to the idea that every person should have opportunities to have fun and enjoy exceptional experiences. Going into 2018 I want to ensure I save enough focus and energy to really push that agenda forward—especially for those at-risk of these things being elusive. Good cheer, joy and the power of play should be accessible to all. These concepts generally foster gratitude, which we know is good for the mind and spirit. If you do not believe me, just ask the other interviewee from this quarter, Amanda Krantz.
Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Morten Hansen is a world-renowned organizational consultant who is a thought leader in many areas of business. Morten wrote the book Great by Choice with Jim Collins. In my interview with Morten Hansen we discuss his latest book, Great at Work, looking at how top performers work less while achieving more.
Health and Wellness: Amanda Krantz is the CEO of DohJe, an amazing health technology company focused on eliminating the friction patients face when trying to convey gratitude to their health care providers. In my interview with Amanda Krantz we discuss the power of gratitude, as well as what DohJe is doing to improve the lives of nurses and other healthcare workers.
Life Experience: This quarter the family and I have done a pretty good job getting ourselves around North Carolina. We spent some time in Ashville (one of the top three U.S. cities for hippies according to Estately), as well as getting to ride an entire reenactment of the Polar Express (pictured) in Spencer, NC.
Contribution: This quarter I helped a friend and coworker with her efforts in the upcoming Cycle for Survival. Also, in the spirit of contributing to the fun and good cheer of others, I made a donation to the Toys for Tots Foundation.
Next month, I am going in for my second hip surgery—this time a full replacement. I am not completely freaked out. I have a good doctor. I also have a close friend whose business it is to sell these things (who I am grateful is trying to help me navigate through the process). That said, I imagine there will be significant cabin fever in January (during the recovery phase) and would love to hear from you if you feel so inclined.
Wishing you and yours a fun and prosperous 2018!
In health,
Dr. Rucker