Have You Considered Going on a Fun Diet?

Chances are that you or friend have thought about going on a food diet, but have you ever thought of going on a fun diet? I am sure you’ve heard before, “you are what you eat.” Personally, I remember it best from this little gem from my childhood… After a bit of...

Can a person change their behavior?

Why Behavior Change is a Bunch of BS and What You Can Do about It Can a person change their behavior? I have generally been an advocate of behavior change science, however, I am not so sure anymore. Designing healthy habits and routines can be an effective way to...

Microhealth Rewards

What are Microhealth Rewards? The microhealth reward is a recycled innovation being reintroduced by way of the Affordable Care Act as a means of trying to motivate Americans to engage in healthy behaviors through extrinsic economic microhealth rewards. The way the law...

Emphasizing Quality of Life over Longevity

Most individuals are aware of what steps they need to take in order to improve their health. Recent research conducted out of the University of Michigan (Rebranding Exercise: Closing the Gap Between Values and Behavior) finds that messages that encourage individuals...