Nutrition Tips for Swimmers

With an ever-increasing population of running and cycling enthusiasts, good nutrition tips for swimmers are getting harder to come by. Luckily, the same carbo-loading scenarios that are appropriate for other distance sports are suitable for distance swimmers too. The...

Interval Training to Improve Your Performance

One of my favorite way to have fun while improving my well-being is interval training. Interval training is when you mix high-intensity work with low-intensity work. This method is hardly a secret technique anymore but is often overlooked as another great tool for the...

Christopher McDougall and Barefoot Running

Christopher McDougall, author of Born to Run gave his opinion on barefoot running about how people’s desire to run might have evolved at a recent TED conference. Although Christopher McDougall covered a variety of topics on running during his TED presentation...

The Volumetrics Diet

Most of the popular diets today rely somewhat on portion control, but not the Volumetrics diet. The premise of Volumetrics is to encourage people to eat foods that are naturally low in calories due to high water content. Fresh produce, whole grains, good fats, and...

When should I replace my running shoes?

When should I replace my running shoes? Finding the right running shoe is an iterative process and there is no one perfect running shoe suitable for everyone. The perfect fit has to do with the shape of your foot, your running style, and the terrain you run on. In...