Mike Rucker, Ph.D.

Your Fitness Journey Should Start Now!

Just like most popular worthwhile endeavors, there is a plethora of information out there about health and fitness. The Internet has a lifetime of information you can consume about various, and sometimes competing, ways to get healthy or start a fitness program. With all this information available to you mere keystrokes away, when do you say enough is enough and get started?

The answer is now!

You probably aren’t studying for a fitness exam. And if you are an adult, there is little you need to mentally prepare for… you learned enough in high school to do something. Get up from the computer and get out there. Shorten the distance between contemplation and action. Fitness is a “learn as you go” proposition anyway. To get started most people need only to simply put one foot in front of the other and repeat. You don’t get your heart rate elevated by planning, fitness requires doing. So get started now! If something is not working for you spend some time to make the needed adjustment, then road test (or gym test) what you’ve discovered. You don’t like what you are currently doing? Take a class and learn as you go.

Bottom line, there is nothing wrong with researching and planning, but not doing this in tandem with exercise is simply your excuse to not get started. Start slow, but burn (calories) as you learn. Take the first step to a better you today!

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