Activated Charcoal & Hangovers

Activated charcoal is marketed as a way to cure hangovers. The idea is to digest enough carbon through supplementation that the compound will soak up metabolites and toxins from the blood and help you with your hangover. The problem is it doesn’t work. Activated...

The Physical Effects of Alcohol

The psychological effects of alcohol can transform a person from a well-mannered citizen to a fun-loving extrovert, to a bumbling idiot, or in the worst case to a downright menace to society but the physical effects of alcohol can be worse. Just ten minutes after you...

What is a Hangover?

Waking up a bit queasy one Sunday morning you might ask yourself, “what is a hangover?” Simply put, a hangover is a subset of unwanted physical and mental symptoms due to the excess consumption of alcohol. Depending on the amount of fun you had the night...

Does the Hair of the Dog Really Work?

Contemplating grabbing a little hair of the dog that bit you for your hangover relief? Let me guess, you drank too much last night, you are having a rocky morning and you are thinking you could try drinking a little more to take the edge off, right? The term “Hair of...

Hangovers and Vitamin B

Various vitamin depletion can be part of the reason we get hangovers and vitamin B levels tend to get tapped out when we drink. Therefore, in theory, a vitamin B supplement could potentially be beneficial as a mitigating agent before or after we go out drinking to...

Glutamine and Hangovers

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and glutamine is arguably the most important amino acid of the bunch. Without it, our immune system would not operate effectively because many of the supporting cells in our immune system rely on it for energy....

Home Remedies for Hangovers

Looking for home remedies for hangovers that go beyond the common wisdom of hydrating with water? Here are some home remedies that might help ease some of your symptoms: Thyme has been purported to provide hangover relief. Make some thyme tea by boiling five or six...

Tip on How to Prevent Hangovers

Do you want to know how to prevent hangovers? Let’s start with the simplest answer: don’t drink. That is really the only way that you can assure yourself you won’t have a hangover. If you are going to drink think: hydration. One of the major contributors to hangover...