Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun

Albert Einstein once said, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Can you think of five things you want to do that are fun and creative? Here’s my list for the week: Coming up with jokes to make my wife laugh Creating a surprise birthday box for my daughter...

Having Fun Quotes

As I have been continuing to work on my book about fun, I have been accumulating having fun quotes for potential consideration as chapter headers. I have noticed that some of you visiting this site have been looking for quotes about having fun too, so I have created...

Fun Things to Do When You’re Bored

If you are reading this, then the off-the-shelf Internet solutions for fun things to do when you’re bored, like Boredom Therapy and Bored Panda, probably have already failed you. Maybe you have tried searching the sub-genre of “what to do when you’re bored” on YouTube...

Have You Considered Going on a Fun Diet?

Chances are that you or friend have thought about going on a food diet, but have you ever thought of going on a fun diet? I am sure you’ve heard before, “you are what you eat.” Personally, I remember it best from this little gem from my childhood… After a bit of...